BAG March 2023
What we talked about 3/22/23
Connector to Creekside/Sawyer Brewing - once it stops snowing, the city will mow and flag a connector path through the grass from N. Canyon Street to Creekside Elementary and the Sawyer Brewing development for easy bike and pedestrian access throughout the summer. We are contacting Creekside so hopefully they will mow across their property.
Colorado Boulevard Corridor Study - the cyclists comments were heard (thanks everyone!!) and bicycle infrastructure, both path and bike lanes, are being included in the planning phases.
Nevada St Trailhead/Lookout Access - the city is making improvements for access to the Lookout side of the Nevada Street trailhead to allow for maintenance and emergency vehicles to get through. There will also be easier access for bikes and pedestrians - less stepping in the mud at the end of the tunnel. (PS Stay off the trails when they are muddy).
The City now has a Strava account - we need to encourage people to sign up so the city can get more data on all types of cyclists. Ideas - push during Bike to Work Week, create small flyers to put on bikes around town?
Planning Bike to Work Week - May 14-21st! Stay tuned!
Are you interested in joining the Bicycle Advisory Group? Contact us at to find out more!