BAG April 2023

Meeting virtually on Teams 4/26/23

  • Connector to Creekside Elementary complete! Look for the Rad Routes to School signs to find your way to Creekside on the mowed trail!

  • City is working on an updated Rec Path map. Discussion of partnering with an existing online trail map to allow access from mobile devices.

  • Sustainability coordinator at BH is interested in joining the group

  • Bike Week - planning is going well, talk of another Bike Train stop at the Bus Depot next year for kids in the Reserve/Exit 8 area

  • Bike Art sculptures from the high school - show May 11th, Jeremy will pick them up after that and store them at SRAM for a while to figure out how to auction them.

  • City using Strava data - Carol to create post to encourage Strava use.

  • Good response to Skate Park design options, scheduled to be open Spring 2025 (old skate park will close Fall 2024)

Do you have something the Bicycle Advisory Group should be aware of? Would you like to join? Email us at!


Using Strava


BAG March 2023